Thursday, 11 June 2020

Horoi Ringa

This week tamariki in Ngaru iti, decided to learn the waiata shared by their blogging buddies Waiata Horoi Ringa at Te Puna Te Puna Wairua @ Tamaki Primary.  It was a lot of fun and this video shows what they achieved in just 10 minutes.  Ka pai Ngaru iti!



  1. Tēnā Koutou te kura Ngaru Iti wow! ka mau te wehi ka hari, ka koa tōku ngākau ki te kite i a koutou e waiata ana i tā mātou waiata. Ko te tumanako hari koa ou koutou ngākau i te wā i waiatatia e koutou i te waiata nei. Tēnā koa tukuna ki te ao. Ngā Mihi kia ora mō tō tautoko i te kaupapa.

  2. Tena koutou!! Te kura Ngaru iti!!! Kei te pehea koutou!?

    Ko Waiari raua ko Miriama!!!

    Ko Tauranga Moana te iwi :)

    Me and Miriama would like to say a (HUGE) ngaa mihi!! Me and Mirirama have a few patai to ask!!

    Tuatahi:(Miriama) Did you guys write the waiata on the board to help you remember the kupu?

    Tuarua: Was this fun to make? -I'm sure it was :)

    That's all for today!! Nga mihi!!!

    Ka kite anoo!!!

  3. Kia ora, Kei te pehea koutou? Ko Azaleigha maaua ko Shaiann tenei. You guys have an amazing beat to go with the waiata! You guys should do more of this fantastic mahi because it could save us from the covid - 19.

    Now I have a few patai!

    Patai tuatahi: How did you feel during the waiata?

    Patai Tuarua: Did you feel whakamaa?

    Patai Tuatoru: Did you enjoy singing the waiata?

    Patai Tuawha: Are you able to do more of these waiata?

    Ka kite ano Ngaru iti!

  4. ka pai to waiata.

  5. Kia ora Te Kura Ngaru Iti!
    Ko Aeisha toku ingoa. I love this blog post because you guys decided to try and sing the waiata and do the beat, that is really nice of you guys! Te Puna Wairua were so happy to see you guys had blogged this! I would like to ask you guys some questions if thats alright!
    Why did you guys decide to sing this waiata?
    Do you guys have a kapa haka group?
    What do you guys like to do in your spear time?
    That is it for today!
    Ka kite ano hope to hear back from you guys! 💖

  6. Kia ora, ko Josh toku ingoa.
    AUE TAUKIRI E!! This blog reminded me of when we shot the video and it was loud and crazy.
    Your version was AMAZING!! It took us 2 days to learn it, and you did it in 10 minutes! Unbelievably amazing!!.
    Nga mihi koutou, ka kite!!

  7. Kia ora e te whanau, ko varnce toku ingoa. what a big surprise to see use using our waiata for the COVID-19. you guys were loud and crazy. one thing i think use should do is spread it around the whole world.
    ok i have Three patai

    patai tau tahi - how long did it take use to learn the song?

    Patai tau rua - how did use find it was it hard or easy?

    patai tau toru - why did use do that?


  8. Kia ora! Ko Moana-nui tooku ingoa. I love how you guys were singing your waiata because you all took part in singing it which was cute, also because the teina maa were singing as well. Which was also cute when you think of it.
    Now I'm going to ask some patai!

    Patai Tuatahi: Was it fun to sing?

    Patai Tuarua: How did you feel when you took part in singing it?

    Patai Tuatoru: How many was in your akomanga when singing it?

    Patai Tuawha: How were you feeling?

    Patai Tuarima: Why did you feel that way?

    Ka kite ano e te whanau, have a good day!

  9. Kia ora! Ko Lagitupu maua Taynah tenei, I LOVED that AMAZING waiata because you all got to give it a try and you participated in all the mahi you guys are given. I think that it must be cool to be able to do that!
    I have some patai/questions for you

    1.was the beat hard to get use to?

    2.was the song/waiata hard to learn? you know what the song means in english?

    And that's all for today ka kite ano.

  10. Tena koutou te kura Ngaru iti, Ko Rawiri maaua Manaia tenei. This blog post about Horoi ringa is AMAZING! I can´t believe that your kura learnt in ten minutes and our akomanga was praciting for two days. One thing you that I think you should work on is keeping the beat in time.

    Now I would Like to ask a few patai!

    1. Did you enjoy the waiata ?

    2. Was this waiata hard to learn ?

    3. Did you make your own beat ?

    Well that´s all for today ka kite anoo!

  11. Kia ora e te whaanau ko Hemi tooku ingoa and I LOVE your guys waiata!!! Kei ahau e 3 nga patai.

    1: Did you have fun singing the waiata?

    2: Was it hard?
    3: Do you think you can add ngaa mahi aa ringa?

    I hope you respond.
    Kakite ano e te whanau.

  12. Kia ora, ko Isaiah toku ingoa. I like the amazing waiata that you did and because it is in relation to the Covid-19 and its really helpful.


    1. why did you do this?
    2. where did you do it?
    3. who taught you?

    That's all for today, ka kite.

  13. Autaia koutou! Ae rā hoki.Ka menemene au i te kaha o ngā tamariki. Ka koa te ngākau.
